
Sunday, November 3, 2013

THE ELEMENTUM ( for World Control)

[For Complete Control]

The world may be big, but its roots are mainly five; The Five Elements, as I term them. These elements  form the very basis of everything around us; from day to day life to long term planning. They are powerful, influential and beyond all, very essential for sustenance. Nothing works without them, nothing stirs. We are all engulfed by them. They define the world  and act as its wheels. The Five Elements comprises:
1. INDUSTRY: Industry is a strong necessity that tends to answer to all our needs. From paper-clips to skyscrapers and marvelous machines, industries compete for perfection by challenging the impossible. A backbone of any nation, it builds the future by co-relating science and technology. An entity controlling the industry has more chance of controlling the future.

2. FINANCE : Nothing works without money, not in this world. Any idea, however smart and groundbreaking it is, needs funds to put it into motion. Finance sector plays a major role in forming the base of any startups or new launches. In the end, its all about money, if not glory.

3. MEDIA : No man (or woman) in this world likes to be enslaved. History is filled with stories and legends of struggle for freedom. The sense of independence is high today, as every human views himself with some degree of respect and confidence. Basically you cant take away freedom with people knowing. So what's the solution? You take it away without letting them know. Yes, the solution lies in Media and Surveillance.
Media is a very powerful manipulator. It radically changes the mindset of people. It takes a lot of intelligence and logic to stay isolated from the general mindset of the society around you. Media can topple governments, start riots and condemn anyone; a kind of brainwashing. You spread a spark, an idea and wait till it becomes a huge fire. What better tool can one have to manipulate people for his/ her benefits?

4. RELIGION: An element for some serious debate, Religion is considered useless for any intelligent individual who realizes its unimportance in the logic/scientific part of his/her life. But one will be amazed to learn that, though irrelevant, Religion is a powerful weapon in instigating mass responses and riots. Some silly religious disputes often leads to dire results in certain parts of the world. In a multilingual and multicultural land like India, disputes are common on the basis of Religion. The same is true in middle east and global terrorism.
People (the believers) put complete trust in god, letting themselves get easily controlled by some 'Men of God'.

5. POLITICS: There's nothing to discuss about this. Its all around you. Though the first four are linked arbitrarily, this Element is in all. Politics is a science of governing. It meddles with everything in this world (even science !). There's none more powerful than those 'chosen' (or fooled to get chosen) by people.


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